Meet The Team

From Left To Right

Emily Mullender > Narrator

Ed Neely > Producer

Danielle Watson > Reporter

Terri Hampshire > Reporter


What Do We Do?


–       Oversees project

–       Collates research

–       Organises paperwork

–       Makes sure everything is running smoothly

–       Organises interviews

–       Helps with recording

–       Helps with editing

–       Makes final decision in which material to use


–       Gathers research

–       Records voxpops and location sounds

–       Helps with editing

–       Writes a clear and direct script for the narrator to follow

–       Assists with recording of interviews



–       Interviews representatives

–       Helps with recording

–       Collating all the audio into a polished production

–       Deciding which audio material is suitable to use

–       Gathers all the audio recorded

–       Narrates feature using pre-written script

–       Creates a link/relationship with target audience



–       Helps with editing

–       Gathers research

–       Records voxpops and location sounds

–       Writes script

–       Assists with recording of interviews

Welcome To Lincoln: Onwards & Upwards

Lincoln: Onwards & Upwards is a short factual radio feature about Lincoln and exploring which way the city center is being steered towards in a cultural sense.

We are going to be interviewing the people who are heavily involved with this and find out what’s been working and what hasn’t.

This blog will have added extras and information about the feature and the team behind the microphone.
