Meet The Team

From Left To Right

Emily Mullender > Narrator

Ed Neely > Producer

Danielle Watson > Reporter

Terri Hampshire > Reporter


What Do We Do?


–       Oversees project

–       Collates research

–       Organises paperwork

–       Makes sure everything is running smoothly

–       Organises interviews

–       Helps with recording

–       Helps with editing

–       Makes final decision in which material to use


–       Gathers research

–       Records voxpops and location sounds

–       Helps with editing

–       Writes a clear and direct script for the narrator to follow

–       Assists with recording of interviews



–       Interviews representatives

–       Helps with recording

–       Collating all the audio into a polished production

–       Deciding which audio material is suitable to use

–       Gathers all the audio recorded

–       Narrates feature using pre-written script

–       Creates a link/relationship with target audience



–       Helps with editing

–       Gathers research

–       Records voxpops and location sounds

–       Writes script

–       Assists with recording of interviews

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