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March 2025

Contacting Contributors

These emails show the way we went about approaching potential contributors to feature in our documentary:

Email to Matt Corrigan- Lincoln BIG

Dear Mr Corrigan,

We are a group of second year students studying Radio Production at Lincoln University.
We’re producing a short factual radio feature exploring the culture of Lincoln and how it intended to be portrayed. We’ll be looking at various businesses in the city centre and the regeneration of Brayford Waterfront.
As Chief Executive of a Lincoln Business Group, we see you as a key contributor and would be grateful if you would do a short interview with us, walking around the city centre.
Would you be willing to participate in this?
Please contact Producer, Ed Neely on 07873279275 or via email.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards,
Ed Neely and Team

Email to Ian Spenton- Engine Shed Events Manager
Dear Ian, 

We’re writing in regards to the conversation we had about a short interview with yourself at Engine Shed.
Our radio feature is exploring the culture of Lincoln and various businesses around the city, part of this is looking at the nightlife and particularly Engine Shed, and how it offers such a wide range of events to suit an audience outside the student demographic.
Questions will include:
– Describe Engine Shed and what it offers
– How do you decide which artists/bands/comedians to book for Engine Shed and what is coming up?
– How do you go about promoting events?
– Have you noticed a change in the demographic of the main audiences that attend events?
– As Engine Shed and Tower Bar are a student venue, how do you steer away from only catering for this demographic?
– Do you think the music scene is a big part of Lincoln culture, or do you think it’s trying to be, with the rise of new gig venues and an increase in live music?
When would you be free to be interviewed?
Kind Regards,
Ed Neely and Team

Neil Murray – City of Lincoln Council
Dear Mr Murray,
We are a group of second year students studying Radio Production at Lincoln University.
We’re producing a short factual radio feature exploring the culture of Lincoln and how it intended to be portrayed. We’ll be looking at various businesses in the city centre and the regeneration of Brayford Waterfront.
We’d like to talk to a City Council Representative about recent changes in Lincoln’s City Centre, including the regeneration of the Brayford Waterfront, Shopping and the overall culture being created by businesses and venues.
We can send you a list of the questions we would like to ask prior to the interview and can make any changes if necessary.
Would you be willing to participate in this, anytime within the next couple of weeks?
Please contact Producer, Ed Neely on 07873279275 or via email.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards,
Ed Neely and Team

Week By Week Log

Week 1- In this weeks workshop we learnt how to use ‘protools’ which will be the programme we use when editing our finished feature. We got listening to some radio documentaries in our own time to gain inspiration for our feature.

Week 2- In this week’s seminar we formed our groups for the feature.Ed, Emily and Danielle originally formed as a group and had one meeting in the library where we brainstormed some ideas. We decided to make a feature on nightlife in Lincoln, however, after talking to our tutor we realized that this was a little too broad and possibly not interesting enough. Later that week Terri joined the group and we met again for another meeting where we changed the main focus of our feature away from nightlife and decided to concentrate more on the way that Lincoln was developing as a City.

Week 3- This week our main focus was on creating the Proposal which was in on Thursday 13th October. We decided sections of the proposal up between every member of the group and then the producer put it together ready for submission (Proposal can be found in the paperwork section of this blog). We

Week 4– With out proposals submitted we met with our tutor and gathered feedback from them, looking at points we needed to adapt and what worked well. It was here that we had the idea of taking our listeners on a walk around Lincoln. We began sending emails to possible contributors that could participate in our feature. On Wednesday 19th October we carried out our first interview with Jade Butcher from House of Fraser and on Friday 21st we carried out an interview with Engine Shed Events Manager, Ian Spenton. We edited these interviews down to 1 minute long each so we could play them in our working progress boards in week 5. Throughout this week, we met for meetings to split up who was going to be saying what in the working progress boards and also started developing the blog in more detail. We also created a twitter account.

Week 5– On Wednesday of this week we carried out our working progress boards infront of our tutor and a guest lecturer. This was very helpful as we were given a lot of feedback as to how we could improve our feature. After continuously trying to track down contributors we managed to secure and arrange a lot of interviews this week for week 6. We even contacted Gethin Jones to see if he would be willing to talk to us about the new Hilton Hotel, unfortunately this didn’t work out :(.

Week 6– This week we recorded several of our interviews including Michael Armstrong from Lincoln BIG and Ricky from Zizzi we also managed to get alot of voxpops recorded gaining public opinion. We went out on Thursday evening whilst late night shopping was happening to see what people thought about this new event. We had meetings this week to develop the script ready for our worskhop with Ed Bretton form Lincs FM next week where he could read through our scripts and give us direction. We found an article in a magazine quoting Emma Tatlow from VLP and thought the things she was saying would fit into our feature so well, that we gave her a ring and she was more than happy to help! This was our final interview secured- and the main one!

Week 7- This week we recorded our final two interviews, including taking Emma Tatlow on a walk around Lincoln on Wednesday in the morning and then gathering more voxpops in the afternoon. Then on Thursday we met with Neil Murray from the City of Lincoln Council. We also amended last minute changes to the script ready to start recording the narration next week and continued to post on the blog and twitter so people knew what we were doing.

Week 8– Final week before submission! We went out and recorded any other last minute location sounds that we may need in our feature (better to have too much footage than not enough)! We recorded the narration at the beginning of the week but had to redo a section on Friday. Once we were happy with our footage it was EDIT EDIT EDIT from Wednesday right through to Saturday!

Week 9– The Feature is now ready for listening! ENJOY!

Presenter’s Cue

Presenter’s cue


CATCHLINE :Lincoln: Onwards and upwards                                       TX date/time: 25/11/2011 – 9.00am

Production Team: TEED Productions                                                       Duration: 14.09 minutes


Over the last few years the City of Lincoln was changed dramatically, but have you ever wondered the reason behind these changes? Emily Mullender will be taking you on a walk around Lincoln, seeing how it has changed and what the plans are for the future. You are listening to siren 107.3 FM and this is ‘Lincoln: onwards and upwards.’



In words: ‘over the last’

Out Words: ‘onwards and upwards’

Duration: 13.49 minutes

Format: .MP3



Development of Idea

Two possible ideas for feature:

1. Nightlife in Lincoln:

Things we want to find out:

  • Is it good?
  • How much do people drink?
  • How much do people spend?
  • Compare to other cities…
  • Compare the clubs
  • Do people feel safe on a night out?
  • Public opinion of both students and non-students
  • Does more crime occur when people are on a night out?
  • Under-age drinking – entrance into clubs for under 18s.

Will include a music soundscape of music you are likely to hear in clubs in Lincoln.

Target Audience – Men and Women aged 18-35


  • Club owners.
  • students
  • general public
  • Police – PCSO (crime in Lincoln at night time)
  • Doctor (Rise in Binge Drinking)


  • Casual/chatty
  • Easy to follow
  • Impartial
  • Main Narrator


  • Introduction to nightlife and what we are going to explore
  • Nightlife overview
  • Issues involved with the amount people drink
  • Interviews
  • Conclusion- pose a question for listeners to think about.


2. Accomodation for Students in Lincoln.

Things we want to find out:

  • What is available?
  • Price
  • Location
  • Festival Gardens
  • Housing Agencies – UOL
  • Narrator plays the role of someone looking for a house undercover to see how easy it is.


  • Students at the University. 18-23 year olds. Siren FM


  • Students
  • Accommodation agencies
  • Admin at the Uni to find out why they took so many extra students with little housing.
  • Families living near students.


  • Informal
  • Chatty
  • Easy to follow.

Final Idea:

We took inspiration from our first original idea of creating a feature about the nightlife in Lincoln and expand on this. Our feature will look at the ways in which Lincoln is changing and why these changes are being made. We want to take our listeners on a literal walk around Lincoln with a representative from Visit Lincoln Partnership.

It will look at :

  • the Regeneration of the Brayford Waterfront
  • The Alfesco dining in Lincoln and why so many new restaurants are coming to Lincoln.
  • What the Council and Lincoln Business improvement group do, and how this shapes Lincoln.
  • Public opinion of what people think to the changes being made in Lincoln.
  • Late night shopping and whether it has been a success.
  • The nightlife in Lincoln and how these places accommodate for non-students.

Interviews will include:

  • Engine Shed Events Manager – Ian Spenton
  • House of Fraser worker- Jade Butcher
  • Zizzi Deputy Manager – Ricky
  • Councillor – Neil Murray
  • BIG representative- Michael Armstrong
  • VLP representative – Emma Tatlow (Main Interview)


  • Informal
  • Informative
  • Chatty
  • Educational
  • Easy to Follow
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